Thursday 9 July 2009

Birthday surprise and Old West developments

On my way home from Wroxham last night, I popped in to see Grizzly and to catch up as we haven't met for some time. While I was there I collected my desert mat that I had lent him for photographing the character cards for the set of rules that he is writing for the Old West. The rules look promising and have the flavour of the cinema about them.

Chris showed me all the models that he either made or painted since I was last there. Honours go to the 28mm scale train that he has purchased - and estimates that will occupy in excess of four feet when deployed on the table. Needless to say there were a large variety of Chris'' usual extras - water pumps, 72 tress and the Sudan toys. Empress Miniatures - and very nice too.

He then presented me with my birthday present. Wow! Don't they look good? No doubt they will feature along with Wyndham Hawkins in Bob's campaigns in the near future.

Busy time at the moment. Have just returned home after taking my mum for lunch to celebrate her 93rd birthday today. Meeting tonight, and singing at a meeting in Norwich tomorrow, so by the start of next week I will start placing my thoughts of C.O.W. 2009 here. Suffice it to say, that it was as excellent as I had hoped - and even surpassed my expectations.


  1. Wow, they do look good.

    In fairness to your readers, that's a nice picture of Empress figures, but it ain't Mr Grizzly's painting :-(

  2. Indeed not Mr Grizzly, but there is no difference between these as featured on Empress Miniatures site, and your painting - apart from the colour scheme. The quality of the photo was my criteria, which really shows how fine these toys are.

    No doubt your toys will feature in a later blog entry.
